Friday 29 April 2011

Every day im googlin'

spent a good hour and a half googling sprite sheets the other day :) came up with heaps of good stuff! cant wait to get onto flash and start animating.

Sprite sheets and animated GIFs galore

found a cool site with a few good naruto sprite sheets and even some of the authors own animated gifs made using the sprite sheets. cool to see what can be done using them :) got some good ideas from here for my vector animation project :)

Much Cleaner Stripes Youve Got There!

An even better striped background generator, much nicer i think :)

Even Better Pattern Maker

I found yet ANOTHER online generator!
this one is a small web app that lets you create patterns, edit color, scale, opacity and even canvas texture :)
this one IS similar to the other pattern but i think its slightly better because its free to download the hi-res image you make and it gives you a live preview one he page itself (the other one let you download a png but not a hi-res image.)

Stripes Stripes and more Stripes!

I found another cool little online generator, this one let you create stripes, use any colors that you want and then download the final result :)

Pattern Cooler Patterns

heres a handy little pattern maker that i stumbled across. it lets you choose from a pre-made example, edit the color scheme, choose the size of the pattern to repeat and then download a .png file of the pattern which you can use. all for free!

i think i might even use one as a background for my website.well see how it goes :)

Saturday 23 April 2011

Let There Be Light-box!

Here is an AWESOME tutorial for making an image gallery that a friend of mine put me onto.this site is perfect for what i wanted. it tells you all about the lightbox, how to set it up and how it works. good stuff!! :D

"Lightbox is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers."  -taken from the lightbox website.


Youtube Tutorials Rock!

This is a link to a youtube channel that has a really good series on how to animate stick figures in flash.something i really wanted to look into for my final project. --->Terkoiz <---

i downloaded alot of the tutorial videos to try out at home and they are very easy to follow and execute :)