Monday 23 May 2011

Self-solving rubiks cube

yet another cool stop motion animation. this time its a self-solving rubiks cube! now if only i knew how to solve one i could do this too lol

T-Shirt War!

heres a video i saw on tv a while back and only just got around to youtubing.
its a stop motion video of two of the coolest guys on the planet showing off their immense t-shirt collection.


after about four hours slaving over a wall and some post-it notes, this is the end result.could have been better i know.nothing compared to This guy's one. but for a first timer i think it went ok :P


 after days of drawing and coloring in my spare time and with very sore fingers, i present CHOPPER!

Paper Wars!

heres a really neat flash animation i saw ages ago but only just managed to track down again.
its a cool little animation of stick figures on a piece of paper done by a bored student in class :)
Watch Paper Wars

Vector animation loop

heres the final version of my vector animation project. a looping fight scene with two characters taken from sprite sheets of a naruto video game.
 heres a site i found when looking for was to make a navigation menu with images: sexy css hover buttons
it involves using class and id selectors to name the unordered list and the different instances of the list items inside it so that they can be customized individually, i.e the list item itself, the link inside that list item and then the hover instance of the link (what happens when you hover over the link with the curser)

heres a screenshot of some of the code :D

Change of plans.

after doing some more photoshopping, i have changed my website homepage's (and other pages) background.
i like this one a little more.i even made it an animated .gif file. click the image and watch the eyes!! :D

Monday 16 May 2011

my homepage background

heres a little preview of the image Ive been working on for my homepage background.i added that quote from Bruce lee because its one of my favorites of all time :D

Sunday 15 May 2011

Corvus who?

 this is a really cool site that had a lot of cool website designs, some very inspiring stuff! 

"We are a small web and graphic design studio based out of beautiful San Luis Obispo, California, with associates in San Francisco and San Jose. We provide distinctive web, identity, and print solutions for businesses and individuals. Although we occasionally provide services to large corporations, we cater mainly to small and medium sized businesses, as well as startups and independent contractors." taken from their "about" page.

Friday 29 April 2011

Every day im googlin'

spent a good hour and a half googling sprite sheets the other day :) came up with heaps of good stuff! cant wait to get onto flash and start animating.

Sprite sheets and animated GIFs galore

found a cool site with a few good naruto sprite sheets and even some of the authors own animated gifs made using the sprite sheets. cool to see what can be done using them :) got some good ideas from here for my vector animation project :)

Much Cleaner Stripes Youve Got There!

An even better striped background generator, much nicer i think :)

Even Better Pattern Maker

I found yet ANOTHER online generator!
this one is a small web app that lets you create patterns, edit color, scale, opacity and even canvas texture :)
this one IS similar to the other pattern but i think its slightly better because its free to download the hi-res image you make and it gives you a live preview one he page itself (the other one let you download a png but not a hi-res image.)

Stripes Stripes and more Stripes!

I found another cool little online generator, this one let you create stripes, use any colors that you want and then download the final result :)

Pattern Cooler Patterns

heres a handy little pattern maker that i stumbled across. it lets you choose from a pre-made example, edit the color scheme, choose the size of the pattern to repeat and then download a .png file of the pattern which you can use. all for free!

i think i might even use one as a background for my website.well see how it goes :)

Saturday 23 April 2011

Let There Be Light-box!

Here is an AWESOME tutorial for making an image gallery that a friend of mine put me onto.this site is perfect for what i wanted. it tells you all about the lightbox, how to set it up and how it works. good stuff!! :D

"Lightbox is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers."  -taken from the lightbox website.


Youtube Tutorials Rock!

This is a link to a youtube channel that has a really good series on how to animate stick figures in flash.something i really wanted to look into for my final project. --->Terkoiz <---

i downloaded alot of the tutorial videos to try out at home and they are very easy to follow and execute :)

Tuesday 29 March 2011

inspirational animation!

found an amazing series of animations by a guy named  Alan Becker, the things he can do with flash are awesome! (if it is flash he using. I'm assuming it is )

Part 1Part 2 , Part 3

this guys is amazing!